Monday, July 12, 2010

Introducing Sectional Brown Bag Lunch

In an effort to fellowship together, share best practices and encourage one another (not to mention eat a delicious meal of your choice) we want to invite you to join us at our First Denver Metro South Section Brown Bag Lunch!

We will meet on Thursday, July 22, from 11:30am to 1pm at Grace Community Church (I-25 between Dry Creek and Arapahoe). Drive through your favorite fast food establishment or bring a meal from home, and join us for a great time of ministry community.

We want to connect ministers of all types and roles from our Section and we'll each have the chance to contribute to a meaningful dialog. The topics for this gathering are:

* What is the best book you've read lately (other than the Scriptures) and why?

* What has been your most brilliant or successful ministry idea in recent days?

* What impact are the current economic realities having on your church or ministry? What do you believe we can do to maximize impact during down economic times?

Come to prepared to share your thoughts and have a great time. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quotes That Encourage Me

Here are some quotes I've gathered over the past few months that have been helpful to me as I continue to seek God's vision and direction for my life and leadership. I hope they encourage you, too.

Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals, and then to work toward them every day, will do more to guarantee your success than any other single factor.
~Brian Tracy

I am here to tell you, to promise you in fact, that simple, tiny changes made one minute at a time, one experience at a time, will positively change your life and every outcome of every experience, in powerful (though sometimes subtle) ways.
~Karen Casey

A culture of accountability makes a good organization great and a great organization unstoppable.
~Henry J. Evans

We cannot find the light until we acknowledge the darkness. This is called owning.
~Mina Parker

Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right, decide on what you think is right and stick to it.
~George Eliot

Do what experts since the dawn of recorded history have told you you must do: pay the price by becoming the person you want to become. It's not nearly as difficult as living unsuccessfully.
~Earl Nightingale

Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent and committed decision.
~Anthony Robbins

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Missions Funding Crisis?

I'm in Atlanta at an AGWM Summit and having some fascinating conversations as to why AG missions giving is down $13 million and why so many missionaries are having a terrible time raising and maintaining their budgets.

Here are the critical questions, I think, that need to be answered:

* Why aren't more pastors compelled to give more money away and challenge their folks to more sacrificial generosity?

* Why aren't our people eager to give more?

* What is missing in the Missionary-Pastor relationship?

* What can AGWM do to help Missionaries?

* What can AGWM do to help pastors and churches?

God's work has never been subject to economic conditions. He will always fund His work. So, what's wrong? What is God trying to tell us? What are our donors trying to tell us? What are pastors trying to tell AGWM and Missionaries?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Raising Youth That Keep the Faith

One of the current realities that dominates much of my thought life, and ministry energy, is the fact that the vast majority of kids raised in church are leaving it for good by age 20-22...many even earlier than that.

The questions I wrestle with are:
* What are the keys to effective and personally owned spiritual formation in teens?

* What is the primary goal of youth ministry in the local church?

* What is the disconnect for our young adults from the local church?

There are some great research and discussions taking place. A book I'm reading now is called, "Already Gone" which details extensive research on why young people are ditching's really alarming.

Here are some thoughts I'm landing on to address these issues:

* Inter-generational Community: Our students need significant relationships with older adults who love them, care about their development, and invest in them.

* Self-feeders: The ability and desire to feed themselves spiritually through classic spiritual disciplines is essential to continual spiritual growth.

* Knowing God: Knowing God, hearing His voice and guidance in your life, and enjoying a growing intimacy with the Spirit are vital to sustained spiritual vitality.

* Called and Equipped: Knowing you are uniquely gifted by God and called into His mission on the earth are powerful realities that keep followers of Jesus in the game.

What thoughts do you have?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Great Question

Larry Crab, in his newest book, asks a question I can't get out of my mind:

Are churches helping people to KNOW God, or are they helping people USE God?

As Pastors, at every age level, we should spend a little time reflecting on this question.

God offers many promptings in His Word for us to expect great things from Him and to pursue those wonderful blessings. But that is a product of knowing Him, not, I think, to be our motive for serving Him.

How bout you? Is your ministry helping people know God? OR, is your ministry helping people learn to use God?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pray for Leadville

Pastor Tim and Helen Garrison have resigned at our church in Leadville after 8+ years. Please pray for them as they continue to pursue God's next steps for their pastoral leadership.

Last Friday I had lunch with Tim and Helen and then met with two amazing ladies who will provide the backbone of leadership for us in the transition of the church. There are only 3 members but their commitment and passion are strong. I believe God wants to take this, the highest Church in the Assemblies of God (10,200 feet) and let goodness, blessing and growth flow from it.

They have a wonderful building that includes a 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. The building is in need of some minor repairs and I'll be putting together a work day or weekend for a team to go and work together. We can't let this church close!

Please join me in prayer for a new Pastor for Leadville. This is a historic, beautiful and difficult place and God has dreams for the folks who live there.

Pray, pray and pray some more.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Free Concert Sunday Night, July 5

If you like Southern Gospel Quartet music then join us at Grace Community Church on Sunday night, July 5, at 6pm for "The Harvesters" from Southwestern Assemblies of God University. These guys are great and the concert is free. Childcare is provided and an offering will be taken.